
E3: Sony

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14 June 2016

By Alex Khalil

This will be part one of a couple of articles just rounding up E3.

So – Sony.

What do you have to bring to the table?

Sony is being hailed as the winner of E3, it would seem. With a huge line-up of games and an official VR showcase, they really pulled it out of the bag.

They began with God of War, the first we’ve seen for a number of years now, and it looks DOPE. We see a beardier Kratos training a young boy, then he fights a huge troll, and the demo ends. The game looks gorgeous, and is coming late this year/early next year.

We then had an introduction from Sony Chairman Shawn Layden, who gave a small but rather fitting tribute to the victims of the Orlando shooting.

From here we had a brief trailer of Days Gone, another crack at the zombie-survival genre. We’ll see how that turns out. There are hundreds of zombies in the demo, and they look rather terrifying.

After Days Gone we got a demo of another new IP, Horizon Zero Dawn. An odd-looking game. A weird view of the future when robots have become sentient animals, and us humans have gone back to our roots in tribe culture.

Looks pretty neat.

Then another new IP: Detroit: Become Human. A David Cage game if ever there were one. From third person view to weird pseudo-futuristic sci-fi stuff. Could it be better than Heavy Rain? Probably not.

From there, another revitalisation of an old beloved IP. Resident Evil VII: biohazard. We’ll let the demo speak for itself, but it looks drastically different to the other games in that it has an atmosphere and looks genuinely creepy. This was Sony’s first showcase for their VR platform, and looks really dope.

After this, the biggest surprise was Mark Hamill’s voice, introducing the new Batman VR experience. We saw very little, but it could be a cool experience. If it’s done right.

Then we got a new demo of Infinite Warfare. It showcased dog-fighting in space, and honestly looks very cool. Fast, action-packed and visually rather amazing.

And that about covers the big stuff. If you want to watch the whole conference, you can simply head over to the PlayStation YouTube page.

Up next, Xbox.

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