
Fallout 4 Mod Spotlight

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3 November 2016

By Alex Khalil

Yep, we said we’d be back with another one of these, and trust us, this one’s awesome.

So last time we had Elder Scrolls-inspired Power Armour. This time, we have some newer weapons added to the Commonwealth.

DOOMBASED, a modder on the Nexus site, has given us some really awesome weaponry to advance our arsenals with. They began by releasing the content singularly, then merged all 10 weapons into one convenient package for download.

The time and effort put into these models really shows. Each gun has a different feel to it than the last, from the Rhino M1 Revolver to the devastating Catalyst AAS Shotgun. Check them out below!

All images are from this video, and the Nexus site.

The weapons add a little flare to the usual Vanilla enemies, as the weapons are added to weapon lists, and level lists, meaning that enemies will carry Legendary versions of certain weapons, and vendors will sell exclusive ones. My favourite though? Has to be the Rhino Revolver shown below. It’s a three-shot revolver that packs a punch. Plus you can dye it bright pink.


You can dye the weapons too!


It’s awesome. You can download the mod here! Be sure to check out some of their other works too! And the ENB preset the screenshots were taken on.

The mod really adds another flavour to the otherwise bland weapon selection of the game.

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