
Giving Meaning to Measurements

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31 October 2017

By Alex Khalil

Contestants at a beauty pageant in Peru have turned the format on its head, by stating some rather shocking facts relating to gender violence for one important reason.

We all know what pageants are. A panel of judges (often men), ‘judge’ the women who come out in pretty dresses and makeup and are given ratings dependent on how they look, their weight, what they’re wearing etc. It’s a practice deeply entrenched in misogyny and can be a little gross in many cases.

Well, this competition, instead of announcing how much they weigh or how tall they are, contestants listed cases of abuse and violence toward women, that many would be subjected to in the South American country.

‘My name is Camila Canicoba and I represent the department of Lima.

My measurements are 2,202 cases of femicide [women murdered because of their gender] reported in the last nine years in my country.’

The entire theme of this year’s Miss Peru, was to highlight these facts and the extent of violence toward women.

You can watch the full video below.

This is a pretty good way to get the facts out there. Good on them.

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