
Happy Birthday Roald!

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13 September 2016

By Alex Khalil

100 years have passed since the children’s writer Roald Dahl was born, and with classics like The Twits, James and the Giant Peach and Charlie in the Chocolate Factory still fresh in the minds of many readers, we thought we’d list some of his best works:

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: having been made into two films, this is a must have for any parent and child. A story of naughty children getting what they deserve, and a young, unassuming boy becoming friends with a rather strange fellow. The book was weird, with children being stretched, turned blue, attacked by squirrels and even losing themselves to chocolate. It’s the perfect formula for a perfect children’s story.

The Twits: They were evil. They were awful. They were, frankly, really really gross. Yes, we all remember being regaled with the story of these two awful adults, with scrambled egg in their beards, and spots on their faces. As a child it would make your stomach churn. A gross tale, perfect for teachers planning lessons and a weird moral warning for kids. Don’t be a Twit!

James and the Giant Peach: A wonderful tale of a young boy who befriends a bunch of bugs on a rather large flying peach. Chased by his two evil aunties and a storm, James learns how to stand up to his fears, and that having decent friends means everything.

Matilda: Possibly your faithful correspondent’s favourite. It’s a lovely tale of a girl who was simply born to the wrong family. Bright and intelligent, Matilda uncovers a family mystery surrounding Mrs. Trunchbull, and the wonderful Ms. Honey. A touching tale of a young girl simply trying to help, who shows the tyrannical head teacher what it means to cross a psychic.

The BGF: Lastly, we have the recently rebooted classic, The BFG. Standing for Big Friendly Giant, we follow the story of sweet orphan Sophie, and her new-found friend as they fight off horrible giants, and make an appearance at Her Majesty’s court. It’s wonderfully British, and holds a special place in a number of people’s hearts.

Yes, that was corny, but we love it.

Roald Dahl brought joy and wonder to thousands of young readers and adults; his talent wasn’t just limited to his children’s works.

He wrote short stories, screenplays, even a few 007 films back in the day.

The guy was a legend.

Happy birthday, you magnificent human.

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