
How Likely Are You To Experience Anxiety?

10 June 2016

By Nicole

A global review has revealed that women are nearly twice as likely to suffer from anxiety as men. The authors of the review, who are undertaking research at Cambridge University, have also stated that in addition to women, younger people under the age of 35 and people suffering with health problems are also much more likely to experience anxiety.

The global review was published in the journal Brain and Behaviour and includes 48 published pieces of work which found that over 60 million people are affected by anxiety disorders every year in the European Union alone. The research also showed that for every 100 people, four have anxiety; however, much more research is required in order to find out which other people are at greater risk of being affected by it. Despite the fact that within the last 20 years the number of people affected by anxiety has stayed consistent, the subject is rarely researched unlike other psychological disorders such as depression.

One of the authors of the review, Olivia Remes, works within the department of public heath and primary care at Cambridge University and insisted that researching anxiety is vital as “it is important for our health services to understand how common [people suffering with anxiety] are and which groups of people are at greater risk.” Remes also commented on the lack of research into the issue which is affecting so many people, saying: “There has been a lot of focus on depression… but anxiety is equally important and debilitating; it can lead to the development of other diseases and psychiatric disorders, increase the risk for suicide and is associated with high costs to society.”

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