
Justin Bieber: Work shy or Justified?

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15 August 2017

By Bronwen

If you follow any teenagers on social media, you’re probably aware that Justin Bieber has decided to cancel the last 14 shows of his world tour, Purpose. Realising that a lot of people are going to be disappointed after waiting months to see the pop star, you’re probably thinking that there must be a really important reason why he’s cutting the tour short. Maybe there are technical faults or maybe Bieber has some family circumstance that means he is physically unable to perform.

Well he posted this huge paragraph on Instagram as an explanation:

Translation: “I’ve made enough money off the tour and frankly I can’t be arsed to do it 14 more times”. This excuse is so mediocre and doesn’t say much for Bieber’s work ethic. We all get that doing high energy shows more or less every day is tiring but most people would also like to remind Bieber that there are worse jobs that he could be doing and anyone would quite happily sing and dance for two hours a day for even a fraction of the money that Justin Bieber earns.

(Hang on, one minute- just going to text my boss and say that I can’t work on Monday because I let jealousy, fear and bitterness rule my life.)

Anyway, who really cares? Some kids will be disappointed for a few days while Bieber sips cocktails in his mansion drafting his next excuse to cancel his next tour. That’s showbiz.


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