
List: Un-tempting foods

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18 April 2016

By Mell

Kicking off a Monday morning, here in the Beep office, we have compiled a list of 18 of the weirdest foods we could find, obviously losing our appetite in the process. This list is not for the faint hearted, so if you have a sensitive stomach you might want to think again before reading on…


Fugu. This is a Japanese dish that consists of a fish that is served in paper thin slices. However the ovaries, intestines and liver of this fish contains enough poison to kill thirty people! The chefs that prepare this fishy dish must have two to three years of training, as well as achieving a license in the preparation of Fugu.




Fried spider. A common Cambodian street food, the spiders are hand caught then drowned and cleaned before they are cooked in either hot butter or oil.

Fried Spider Appetizer at Romdeng


Balut. Usually found in the Philippines. A Balut is a developing duck embryo. The Balut is cooked alive within its shell at eighteen days old.

balut egg


Haggis. Scottish National dish containing sheep’s heart, liver and lungs which is encased in the animal’s stomach.



Sannakji. Korean dish of a live baby octopus, the octopus’ suction cups are still active and can stick to the inside of your mouth and throat. This dish is still usually moving on the plate. Lush!



Harkarl. National Icelandic dish, of fermented shark which is hung to dry for four to five months.



Fried Brain Sandwiches anyone? Known to be served in restaurants in the US. Thinly sliced calves and pigs brains are fried and then placed on white bread.



Casu Marzu. Traditional Sardinian sheep milk cheese, doesn’t seem too bad? Well it’s known for containing live maggots. Delicious!

Acer Image


Khash. This is a traditional soup in many countries. It contains boiled cow or sheep feet and head.

khash soup


Shiokara. Another Japanese dish. Shiokara is raw fermented guts from various sea creatures (mainly squid) in a slimy paste. Would you have the guts to try them?



Wasp crackers. Japanese rice cracker full of wasps! Are they crackers?!?!

wasp crackers


Turtle soup. Made from the flesh of a turtle, this soup is considered as a luxury or delicacy, and is commonly served in Singapore.

turtle soup


Rocky Mountain Oysters. Which aren’t oysters at all. In fact they are actually testicles of a pig, cow or sheep. A bit misleading really. However, the organs are often deep fried and often served as an appetizer.



Shirako. Shirako is a cod’s sperm sac. Which has an acquired “creamy” taste. I have no words.



Cobra Heart. Popular in Vietnam, the preparation of this dish in my opinion, is pretty heartless. Pardon the pun. The snake is cut open and the heart removed. Usually washed down with a shot of cobra blood, the still beating heart can be felt inside of your stomach and can continue to beat for a further several minutes.

cobra heart


Yin and Yang fish. This fish is served as a whole and alive! The Yin and Yang fish also known as the Dead and Alive fish is cooked with its head wrapped in a wet cloth to keep it breathing. This is supposedly done to prove to the customer that the fish is fresh. Although popular in China this dish originated in Taiwan where it is now prohibited.

yin yang fish


Drunken Shrimp. Popular in China, fresh water shrimp are often eaten alive after being stunned in ethanol.

drunken shrimp


1000 Year Old Egg. These eggs aren’t really as old as you think. However they are preserved for several weeks in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, lime and rice. And they look truly disgusting.



While some may find fried brain sarnies and sperm sacs a tasty treat, me personally, would much rather be eating a McChicken sandwich.

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