
Man Spits on Burger and Gives to Homeless

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27 April 2018

By Bronwen

From cuts to homelessness services to snobs burning £20 notes in front of them, homeless people are constantly victims of horrific abuse and humiliation. On Wednesday, Mikel Edwards contributed to the problem by pulling a cruel prank in which he spat into a half eaten burger and offered it to a homeless man.

With the caption “Add my snap Savemiks” and text reading “I got no heart init” he filmed himself on Snapchat drooling over the leftovers while walking in Barking, East London.

His friends can be heard groaning (although there’s no attempt to stop him) as he approaches a man sitting at the side of the street and hands him the burger.

The smug bully says “enjoy it” to his victim who immediately begins to eat the burger.

This cruel act was clearly supposed to act as a promotion for more followers on his Snapchat ‘savemiks’.

Well let’s hope that Edwards doesn’t fancy a job in promotion as he wouldn’t be much good if he thinks that this is a good method of attracting a Snapchat following. Instead, it has had the opposite effect and now the whole country hates him.

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