
McDonald’s To Start Table Service

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27 January 2016

By Alex Khalil

By which we mean they’re going to start bringing food to tables. But there’s only so many words one can fit in a title.

Yes, McDonald’s are going to start a ‘meal to table’ service in more than 20 restaurants (if they can be called that) in the UK.  The service was given a trial run last year, and in all 14 locations it was proven to be successful. Along with self-serve kiosks, these premium restaurants will be serving a gourmet range of burgers, which are currently only available from 28 locations in the country.

That’s no burger! There’s nowhere near enough bacon.

“To date, over 300 restaurants have been refurbished and we expect a further 350 to be completed and reopened for customers by the end of the year – an average of one every day,” said McDonald’s UK CEO Paul Pomroy, after stating the new programme was to compete with the likes of Five Guys and Shake Shack who also provide waiting service.

“Steve, we need to talk about how to put burgers together,” said the Head Manager.

But let’s be honest. We go to McDonald’s for one of these reasons:

We’re hungover and filled with regret and would rather be filled with salt and saturated fat.

You managed to win the argument with your parents about what to have for tea.

Or you’ve accumulated many vouchers from WHS, or have a bus ticket with a £1.99 deal on the back.

We don’t go for waiting service, and to feel like a valued customer… we go to a Greggs Café for that.

#fastfoodshade #mcdonaldswutsgood

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