
Midweek Blues

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7 December 2016

By Alex Khalil

If there is one thing that should cheer you up at the end of this nightmare of a year, it should be a son doing a solid for his mum after things looked drab.

At the end of the day at a crafting fair, Martyn Hett messaged his mother, to see how she’d got on with her stall. His mother, Figen, replied with a rather heart-breaking message:

But, not long after that tweet, he got a message from his friend saying he wanted one of Figen’s glove monsters:

Then what followed was a thing of beauty:

People were very happy with their purchases, and some wanted to know if she shipped to the States.

The official Depop Twitter, where her shop is hosted, tweeted that Martyn’s mum’s shop was the most active on the site at that time too! Now she’s preparing for another project, whiles donating some of her profits to a local counselling charity.

Brought a tear to my eye, that did.

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