
New Year, New Empty Promises

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5 January 2016

By Alex Khalil

Yes, with the dawn of a new year, so too is it the dawn of unkept promises from unwilling gym participants and middle aged men and women ‘giving up’ wine or chocolate.

Please. Stop.

New year’s resolutions are a trend to which I have never subscribed, simply because they are impossible to maintain.

Some of the guaranteed ‘New Year New Me’ posts you will certainly see are:

Goodbye all the negative people in my life! – Teenagers and young adults feel the need to ‘cull’ their social media profiles of people they don’t like, as some kind of dramatic announcement, to which there will always be comments like, ‘Yeah, you don’t need them in your life! Always here for you! <3 xox’.

2016 is my year! 2015 wasn’t the best, so I’m making this my best! – No. Stop it. If you were an awful person in 2015, then the likelihood of that changing is very slim. Especially if you’re aged 13-17.

Thank you to everyone who made my year special (followed by a hundred names then #Blessed or #loved) – Okay, we get it. You have people in your life who you talk to on a regular basis. I’ve never been included in a list like this… so I’m not salty or anything.

I just got the best gifts from my best boyfriend, he got me […] followed by a long list of expensive things, ended with: I can’t wait to spend another Christmas with him, love you baby! – Spoiler: they break up little over three weeks later, and all that diamond bracelet means to you now is heartache and a trip to the MoneyShop, only to repeat the process next year.

Guess who said yes! – Oh I dunno, is it the body to which the hand in over 400 photographs is attached to showing a ring in front of a blurry Christmas tree, or a rerun of Doctor Who? Oh, is it you? I NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED. 

Look, I’m very sure there may be some people who actually stick to their goals, like doing a marathon, or getting healthy, or maybe even changing their diet. But if you are going to change or go forward with something, don’t plug your preferred social media site with guff just to get likes and some kind of pat on the back because you’ve decided to stop being an awful person.

This has been a PSA.

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