
Top Five Motivational Quotes

25 April 2016

By Lauren E. White

Whether you’re gearing up for your GCSEs or your final exams in university, we’ve carefully considered all the motivational quotes you can imagine and whittled them down to the top five.

1. ‘Dreams don’t work unless you do.’ – Unknown

If you don’t work for your dreams, they’ll never come true. You know that grade you really want? You certainly won’t get it by not working hard for it!

2. ‘Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible.’ – Audrey Hepburn

Never think that your end goal is too far away or unattainable – it isn’t. Even Audrey says so.

3. ‘The expert in anything was once a beginner.’ – Helen Hayes

Your inspirations were once at your level – remind yourself of that. Perfection and mastery cannot be achieved overnight, but through hard word and progress. Also known as ‘don’t leave your revision until the day before your exam’…

4. ‘Work hard in silence. Let your success be the noise.’ – Unknown

Basically, don’t allow yourself to be put down by those who see your hard work as silly. Keep going and don’t retaliate – your end result will do all the talking for you.

5. ‘The best way to get things done is to simply begin.’ – Unknown

If you’re looking for someone to do your revision for you, there’s no point. The only way you’ll get it done is if you focus your attention on yourself and make a start.

Good luck with your exams, everyone!

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