
Top Tips for a Good Uni Routine

27 October 2018

By Lauren E. White

University promotes laziness in so many ways. You are forced to attend three hours a week of seminars and tutorials, and can optionally attend six hours a week of lectures. Most of these things begin at three o’clock in the afternoon, so you don’t even need to pull yourself out of bed at a reasonable time. This is one of the many ways in which uni ruins a person’s routine, so we thought we’d devise a list of our top tips for a good routine.

1. Eat well

Eating is such an important part of life, not least uni as a whole. If you’re self-catered, make sure you get into the best routine you can of preparing meals and going shopping. Make lists, set aside time and actually remember to eat.

2. Actually try and get some sleep

Okay, so this one is a little hypocritical. Sleep at iniversity is actually quite difficult to get due to the fact that everyone is always doing something and you’re usually out partying every other night. Try and get some sleep and you might actually be able to make it through the day without a power nap at midday.

3. Make lists

Our tip tips for a good uni routine has to include making lists. Lists are the core of absolutely every piece of organisation ever. Make a list at the end of each week of all the work you have to do for next week and then you can start working on it from the beginning.

4. Join societies

Being a part of societies is one sure way to organise your life better. You have other committments and arrangements to occupy your time, so the more you do, the better at being time effective you are. You have to do something other than working hard and playing hard.

5. Check out the work set by academics

The best top tip for a good uni routine is to regularly check out the work your academics have set for you. It’s vital that you are on top of your reading and questions and any work that has been set. Otherwise you’re pretty screwed.

Good luck!

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