

1 February 2016

By Lauren E. White

Sleep deprivation

Yet another Monday is upon us, meaning another #YEAR11PROBLEMS column too. And this week, we’re talking about sleep deprivation. Woohoo!

As exam season approaches and the stress of finishing the last bits and pieces of coursework mount,  tiredness – or exhaustion in many cases – is no longer a feeling, but a part of our personality… at least that’s how it feels, anyway. While Monday is usually one of the worst days for feeling a little rough around the edges, it’s also a good day to set a goal for the rest of the week. If you’ve not guessed it already, the goal is to get some sleep.

In order to help you with this strenuous task, here are some top tips on getting to sleep and making sure you’re motivated enough to wake up again in the morning.

1. Do all your work before bed, preferably not in your bedroom

Knowing that you’ve got all your work done is one of the best feelings in the world. Don’t leave it until eleven o’clock (we’re all guilty of it, I know) to start your chemistry homework – it’s not good for you. And if you can, try to keep your homework out of your bedroom and use your bedroom for sleeping and relaxing only.

2. No technology for 30 minutes before bed

If you’re really committed to getting to sleep and sleep properly, it is recommended by not just us, but health professionals, that you turn off all gadgets thirty minutes before you sleep. Don’t bother watching the TV or scrolling aimlessly through Instagram – turn it off. You may be wondering what you’re to do during those thirty minutes of despair, but never fear: b**p is here! The next step remedies just that…

3. Read a book

Reading is a great way of relaxing and drawing your attention to one singular thing: someone else’s world. It doesn’t matter if it’s romance or science fiction – just read and let yourself be calm.

Good luck and see you next week.

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