

10 June 2018

By Lauren E. White

Coping with life during exams

Happy Monday all. I hope your exams are going well (as well as they can be at least) and that you’re feeling average. This week I thought I’d talk about coping with life during exams, especially because it’s not always that easy.

This week’s column is for those who struggle emotionally normally, those who’ve been revising for years, and those who are feeling the pressure of exam season during these A Level exams. And that’s because coping with life during exams is the hardest for us lot.

Image result for COPING

From one just-coping to another, I’d just like to say that to get this far, you’ve done exceptionally well. We’re mid-way through them this week, and we’re still alive. And sometimes that’s what you’ve got to remember. Your body is still functioning, and so is your mind (just about) and you’re currently in the process of reaping the rewards of the seeds you’ve been sewing for the past seven years of your life.

It might not feel like it right now, but it’ll all work out just fine in the end. So, let’s take a few deep breaths and keep our cool for the remainder of this atrocity three-week period.

We can do it. After all, we’ve done it for this long.

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