
A Hard Learned Lesson for Zoella

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20 November 2017

By Bronwen

Celebrities and influential people in 2017 have to abide by a set of standards that did not exist a few years ago. The Internet remembers everything- the picture of you in your local newspaper from 2005, that rude tweet you made in 2008 and your weird Youtube channel that you keep forgetting to delete. The moment the ruthless Internet is given a reason to dislike you, it will be a matter of seconds before your deepest, darkest Internet history has been brought to the present day for all to see. One person who will definitely be trying a bit harder to erase their digital presence is Youtuber Zoella. After national outrage at her hideously over-priced advent calendar, the Internet sought to vilify her even more. Unfortunately for the 27-year-old blogger, she made this all too easy.

In 2010 and 2011, when Zoella was 20 years old (old enough to know better), she posted a series of classist, homophobic and downright unkind tweets.

Despite everything, her fans are still keen to support her.

There is a difference between embarrassing tweets about your love for Justin Bieber in 2010 and tweets that have homophobic connotations and classist undertones. Surely a 20-year-old is mature enough to know that it isn’t very sensible to post tweets of this nature all over social media. Then again, can we really expect a woman who tried to sell a mediocre advent calendar for £50 to have any understanding of classism?

This Twitter user showcased their *amazing* Photoshop skills to point out Zoella’s hypocrisy:


Clearly, Zoella’s dedication to the whole Be Kind movement is just a publicity stunt to try and paint her as a good person to the world.

Now that she has been exposed and publicly vilified, will this mean the end for the beauty and lifestyle Zoella? Probably not. She has built a huge brand name for herself that will need much more than just a few nasty tweets to take down.


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