
Apple Shares Rise After iPhone X

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3 November 2017

By Alex Khalil

Apple shares have risen to a record high as the newest iPhone hits shelves around the world.

The launch came along with some strong results for Apple, with sales increasing by 12% to $52.6bn (£40bn) for three months to September. The tenth anniversary iPhone will be Apple’s priciest handset yet, retailing at £999. With both of Apple’s new products on sale, this includes the iPhone 8, the company is predicted to have its biggest quarter ever, says Apple’s Chief Executive Tim Cook.

The iPhone X abandoned the traditional home button, and now must be unlocked using face-scan technology among other things.

Shoppers queued up in dozens of countries to get their hands on the new phone, with over 100 people queuing in London at as early as 2:30 am.

I mean, there’s loving a phone, then there’s being in love with a phone.

The iPhone X comes equipped with the latest in augmented reality tech too, which is a big deal too for some reason. Mr Cook said that this stuff could ‘change everything’ and that Apple was ahead of the curb in that regard.

Did you queue for the phone?

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