
Fallout 4 Mod Spotlight

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14 November 2016

By Alex Khalil

Who doesn’t love a good storm?

We’re looking at something slightly removed from Power Armour and weapons this time.

The weather in Fallout 4 was okay. You had your standard rain, mist, radiation storms, etc. But, with True Storms – Wasteland Edition, we’re adding a little more flavour to the storms and weathers of game. The mod adds a total overhaul of the weathers that can pop up, from intense thunderstorms to oppressive fog, and some insane radiation storms.


Upon install you get two holotapes added to your inventory. These change the nature of the storms you encounter, as well as having direct control over the current weather. So if you fancy it being a nice clear day, it’s as simple as clicking the setting.


You can also configure how certain storms are set, in particular, the radiation storms.

In vanilla Fallout 4, the radiation storms simply gave you rad poisoning. In the mod, they have a chance to spawn hordes of ghouls. Which, needless to say, are actually sort of terrifying. The noises and subtle roars in the storms add to a sense of ambience.


All in all, this is a must-have mod if you want a more immersive experience in the wastes.

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