
‘It’s China’s Problem’ – Trump 2016

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7 January 2016

By Alex Khalil

Trump is a pillar of intelligence when it comes to foreign policy. At least that’s what we’re led to believe after his latest interview on CNN. He claimed, rather ignorantly, North Korea will be ‘sorted out’ by China.


The future President of the United States thinks that the easiest way to deal with North Korea is to leave it to China.

This statement comes just as North Korea claimed it has tested a hydrogen bomb.

When questioned about foreign policy and North Korea during a riveting interview with CNN, Trump took an ‘outta sight outta mind’ approach (we’re still debating whether he has a mind), saying “China should solve that problem and we should put pressure on China to solve the problem”.


He elaborated, saying “They say they don’t have much control over North Korea, they have total control over North Korea”.


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the answer to the question! How do we control North Korea? Pressure China into pressuring North Korea!

What could possibly go wrong?

The presidential candidate rounded off by saying he’s “totally over America helping other countries,”…

Yeah, the land of the free, and the home of the selfish: Trump 2016.

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