
Local Parent Organises Free School Uniform Donations

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31 August 2016

By Lauren H

School uniform can be very expensive, especially at a time when you’re growing and changing sizes regularly. So, the initiative of a local mum to give out free school uniform probably sounds just as great to you as it does to us.

This week, the Chronicle shared a great story with us about a full-time mum of three from Newcastle, named Charlene Paterson, who decided to give away her children’s old school uniform to other families. It all began with a Facebook post.

Posting online, she asked others if they would be willing to donate their children’s old school uniform so that she could pass it on to others in need alongside her own.

Overwhelmed with the response, Charlene contacted a local youth centre called Kids Kabin in order to have enough space to store the donations. As a result, she now has uniform for almost all of the schools in Walker.

Here at B**P, we think that this is a really great idea and it shows what good can come of the community working together. So, we’re encouraging you to do a great thing, no matter how big or how small, for others. This story shows just how far a small helping hand can go, so why not see what you can do?

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