
Nintendo to… Make a Movie?

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17 May 2016

By Alex Khalil

Yep, Nintendo intend(o)s to release a movie in the next few years. Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Mario, has said Nintendo sees itself as an “entertainment” company, and is not just specifically interested in gaming.

While the idea of a Nintendo film has been the subject of rumours for a few months, CEO Tatsumi Kimishima has reportedly confirmed in an interview that Nintendo is definitely planning on releasing a new movie in the next two or three years.

The interview was with Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, which was translated on Twitter by Kyle McLain.

Apart from what was translated in the tweets, Kimishima did not share any other details about Nintendo’s plans. It should put many fans at ease that Nintendo wants to handle their IPs in house if possible, to give them the attention they deserve. Ubisoft are doing something very similar with their film adaptation of Assassins Creedwhich dropped its trailer last week.

Film seems like the most logical way to go for Nintendo. There are numerous characters and worlds they could use. Think of it: a Legend of Zelda movie, or a Metroid Prime movie. Nintendo has no shortage of characters.

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