
Sleep Tight

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22 January 2020

By NEBeep

A light went out on Monday night here in the North East, a light that shone so brightly and warmed so many people in so many ways. Jack Mitchell was one of the most inspiring human beings I have had the joy of knowing.

His lust for making the world a better place was infectious and it was that passion and enthusiasm that we connected over. Making a difference to the lives of young people is what we thrive on here at Beep and Bringing Words to Life and Jack fit right in with that mission. He volunteered with us and then went on to work with us, delivering workshops in schools, where the children he worked with doted on him and his sense of humour and ability to keep them engaged never faltered.

Jack contributed to where his focus was recycling – the environment in general, mental health, amongst other topics and his guilty pleasure, K-Pop, which we had a lot of laughs over. He ran the Great North Run for CHUF and was amazed at how much he raised. But that was the thing with Jack, he was so bloody humble. He sometimes failed to see and understand what we all saw in him, but the love people had for him was reciprocated and you would never meet a more loyal and supportive friend, son, brother, nephew or grandson.

His  sensitivity to making the world a better place would be demonstrated by encouraging us all to recycle, (I know he was proud of me when I began to use the bamboo cup he bought me for my morning Costa), by campaigning for Labour last year, which definitely encouraged many lively debates on Facebook with his closest friends and of course by just being an all-round wholesome person who made a difference to the world and so many lives without even knowing it.

That old cliché about ‘breaking the mould when they made you’ doesn’t even come close when talking about you Jack. We have simply lost one of the best.

Sleep easy my good friend. Namaste.

For anyone who needs support these numbers and links might prove helpful

Samaritans (UK) – Tel: 116 123

Samaritans website –

Psychology today – 

Re-think –

Young minds –

Support after Suicide –

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