
Stuck for Streaming?

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9 September 2017

By Alex Khalil

While we already did films coming out this month there are still plenty of things you can watch online. From Rick and Morty to American Gods there are loads of series to sink your teeth into this September. Let’s count them down.

Rick and Morty – From the folks down at Adult Swim, Cartoon Network’s home for adult themed content, have been killing it with this season of their show Rick and Morty. It follows the adventures of a dysfunctional, sociopathic grandfather and his misadventures with grandson Morty. All three seasons are available on Netflix right now. Get watching.

Game of Thrones – Obviously this had to be on here. If you’re a US reader all the episodes are available on HBO Go, for elsewhere you might have to dig back through your Sky Box to find them. Or buy the bundles that are often on Amazon or in HMV. The show just wrapped up its 7th season and we won’t get another until 2019. Might as well start watching them all again now, eh?

Bojack Horseman – Netflix’s runaway horse (HA), captured the attention of quite a few people with its wit, cynicism and broken characters. There’s something cathartic about watching an animated horse deal with real world problems like depression, alcoholism and a healthy dose of whacky hijinks. The new series airs on 8th September and could very well be the last season.

Narcos – If you like your crime dramas with a touch of realism, check this out. Follow the story of Pablo Escobar, a Columbian drug lord who made millions smuggling and selling drugs in the 70s. But used said money to construct houses and football fields, earning him the adoration of many of the local towns. Season 3 is available now on Netflix.

American Horror Story: Cult – Last and certainly weirdest, we have this mess of a show. This new season, airing on FX, will see the reaction to the 2016 election, using the show’s regular actors. Evan Peters will play Kai, who ends up with a ‘cult’ like following in the wake of Trump’s victory. Should be very topical and as any fan of the show will know, weird. One question, why clowns?

So, there you have it, enough streaming, TV goodness to keep your eye holes satisfied.

Until next time!


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