
Top Ten Most Read Books

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6 March 2014

By NEBeep

In celebration of World Book day comes a list of the top ten most read books in the whole world. Of course everyone has his or her individual taste in books. Is it horror or romance? Dystopian or mystery? Whatever your favorite genre, as a whole the world has chosen the top ten ‘to read’ books of the century.


10) The Diary of Anne Frank:

The personal diary of the young girl, tells the tale of two Jewish families in hiding during the German occupation of WW2. While war rages on, Anne still writes like a teenager, with typical worries of friends, boyfriends and annoying parents.  Her clever, insightful narrative has helped the book become the 10th most read all over the world.


9) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill:

This book has been said by many to be the most significant financial book in history.  It was the first book to boldly ask, “What makes a winner?” The book answers this question and tells the reader over forty millionaires’ advice on how to be extremely rich and extraordinarily successful.


8) Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell:

This beautiful story of love and loss has sold a grand total of 30 million copies throughout the world. It is an unforgettable and indescribable classic that will always remain a treasure.


7) Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer:

Despite the varied opinions on this teen vampire novel, it has still sold a whopping 43 million copies throughout the world. Whether you loved it or hated it, the book has become very popular, and even though Bella Swan may be the worst heroin in history, and vampires should never sparkle, Stephenie Meyer has to get some credit for her new…insight… in the world of books.


6) The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown:

Everyone has heard of this whether you have read it or not. This worthy book is about powerful secret that’s been kept under wraps for thousands of years, but you must read this classic to find out the full extent of this uncovered mystery.


5) The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo:

Originally written in Portuguese by its Brazilian-born author, the Alchemist has been translated into at least 56 languages as of September 2012. The Alchemist follows a young shepherd named Santiago in his journey to Egypt, after having a dream of finding treasure there.


4) The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien

One of the most popular books for all ages across the globe, The Lord of the Rings takes the reader into a new world of hobbits and dragons, wizards and elves. Regardless of whether you have read it, it is not surprising that it takes 4th place in the most read books.


3) Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling:

Although this treasure deserves the number one spot, it’s unfortunately lumbered with the bronze medal. J. K. Rowling’s famous novel has impacted both children’s and adult’s lives since its release in 1999. There aren’t any appropriate words in the dictionary to describe this precious book, but it will definitely go down in history.


2) Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung:

This book features a selection of his speeches and writings when he was leader of the Chinese Communist Party, and has come to be the 2nd most read book in the world.


1) The Bible:

With 3,900 million copies sold, the Holy Bible takes the gold medal. This isn’t shocking as 1 in every 5 homes contain at least one Bible, not to mention that every hotel room has a new testament in the bedside drawer.




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