

24 March 2015

By Lauren E. White

Leaving people behind

It’s won’t be long until the Easter holidays are up on us and we can all relax for two weeks. But, before we get to that stage, there’s a burning issue I have to address in this week’s #YEAR10PROBLEMS.

Throughout our lives, we’ll meet people who we like and people who we dislike. Sometimes we’ll pretend to like people to save all of the fuss around not talking to them and it’s fine, but when people are hurting you and seriously affecting your life and general happiness, you have to take a stand. Now, I won’t name and shame, I’ll just simply use a personal situation as an example to show you that it will all be fine.

In my life, there was one person who I never got along with and a lot of things happened between us. Later on in my life at the end of next year, I made the decision to cut that person out of my picture. Why? Isn’t that spiteful? you may ask. Well, I’ll tell you why: that person made me unhappy. Being unhappy is not something I want and it is not something I need either. I shouldn’t have to feel belittled or less than I am and that person made me feel that way. So, the end of Year Nine was when I decided to put myself first.

Putting myself first meant that I cut off all communication with the person and removed them from my life. And when we returned in the September, it was great. I didn’t have to suffer anymore and pretend to like someone who made me feel like something they stood on in the street.

So, this week’s message is to stop being around/with people who make you unhappy. Being around a good group of positive people who are your true friends is far more important than being friends with everyone. If someone makes you feel less than you know you’re worth, don’t stand for it. Remove them from your life and before you know it, you will be happy.

Accept nothing less than what you deserve.

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