
Four New Elements Added to the Periodic Table

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18 January 2016

By Bronwen

It looks as if the GCSE chemistry syllabus is going to be altered again as the seventh line of the periodic table has recently been completed. Elements 113, 115, 117 and 118 have been officially discovered thanks to research done by Japanese, Russian and American scientists.

They haven’t been officially named yet, but now that their discoveries are official, the naming process can begin. It’s thought that Japan will name their element Japanium (creative) but it has not yet been predicted what the names of the other three will be.  For now, we can only refer to them as Uut, Uup, Uus, and Uuo.

Interestingly, these elements do not occur naturally and can only be produced in artificial conditions. They were discovered by smashing together pieces of atoms and the elements actually only exist for less than a second. You can probably see why it’s taken so long to discover them…

Nonetheless, this is a huge triumph for science and we’re even closer to completing the Periodic Table of Elements.

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