
Midweek Blues

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6 December 2017

By Alex Khalil

The Yogscast, founded in 2008, posted a couple of World of Warcraft and Minecraft videos and people ate it up. They garnered a following of over seven million people in the space of a few years, then something wonderful happened. They decided to do yearly, month-long scheduled streams in the month of December. Starting in 2011, they raised $36,000 on their first attempt and that number has only gone up since then.

Last year they made a whopping $2.5 million, but this year, they have already smashed that record completely, hitting $3 million in just five days.

It’s a shame no other media is covering it, because honestly? Good on them. The donations are done through Humble Bundle, a neat little site that offers a bunch of games for a set price, donating your purchase to one of its supported charities.

They aren’t just video makers, however. They have a few songs under their belts too, their most popular being Diggy Diggy Hole which is a song based on a saying coined by Simon in their early Minecraft days. Yes it’s nerdy, yes it’s a bit lame, but I love it all the same. Plus, they do annual Christmas songs. All proceeds go to charitable organisations as well.

This year, The Yogscast Jingle Jam is donating its proceeds to Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Appeal, Mental Health Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Special Effect, Save the Children and International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association.

The Yogscast do a ton of work for charity, asking for very little in return, only to share three hours with them every night for December and maybe donate $35 for a massive selection of games and for a good cause.

Here’s to another million!

Now here are founders Lewis and Simon, my faves, watching cat videos for three hours.

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