
What Annoyed the Internet This Week?

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11 December 2017

By Bronwen

Who’d have thought that selling a pair of tights could go so badly wrong?

As seen with Kendall Jenner’s infamous Pepsi ad, sometimes brands miss the mark when it comes to selling their products.

Rather than just hiring a plus sized person to model a pair of plus sized tights, Wish.com chose to do this:

The only word I can think of right now is just: WHY?

It just looks odd and it wouldn’t make anyone want to buy those tights. I can only imagine how the conversation between the model and the photographer went:

“So you want me to get my entire body in the tights?”

“Yep, over your head if possible. We really need to show off how roomy these tights are.”

On a serious note, it supports the false rhetoric that fat women have a skinny woman inside them just waiting to emerge. The people of Twitter were rather annoyed by this tasteless advertising.

What was Wish.com thinking when they chose to use these pictures?

This Twitter user hits the nail on the head:

@Jaythenerdkid also raises a good point- no one wears tights like this. If you wanted to buy a hat online, would you want the model to be wearing it on their head like a normal person or trying to squeeze their whole body into it?




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