
Infinite War Legacy Edition

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4 May 2016

By Alex Khalil

So, remember how a new CoD title was to be announced?

Well it was.

I don’t think I’ve ever been so bored.

Infinity Ward, to their credit, have made some of the best CoD games to date, with some really decent stories and cinematic touches. Modern Warfare is still heralded as the best one they ever made.

Infinite Warfare says it will be a throwback to the storytelling and hard-hitting characters of the earlier games. But after a 3:25 trailer of nothing but first-person shots and stuff lazily blowing up, I’m hardly impressed.

Look at the darn thing!

It’s a carbon copy of the last game!

Hey, a guy in a gas mask looking sneaky; good job guys.


Really challenging the meta.

It has recently been revealed that along with the newest title, Infinite Warfare, they will be remastering CoD 4 along with it.

Oh, but you have to buy the Legacy Edition to get it. Which costs $79.99, and you don’t get any more content other than the two games.


Surely, if they sold it separately they could sell more?

Sell the remake for $20, and the newest title for standard price.

How many people would latch on to the remake? It’s from when the series had some momentum, but after the abysmal Black Ops III and the lukewarm Advanced Warfare…

This is yet another example of gating off decent content behind a price tag. Instead of just giving it out to the fans as a homage, or a thank you for the support, they’re making you pay through your teeth for it.

Thanks guys.


While many of us must understand that they need to get paid, the Call of Duty franchise has amassed over $10bn. They’re hardly out of pocket.

Oh well.

Here’s to another Call of Duty game.

And the imminent DLC.

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