
Midweek Blues

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18 May 2016

By Alex Khalil

Yer a wizard, Ayden.

Often, someone uploads a photo or a tweet to the interwebs and it goes viral quick. From letters sent to parents, to dad tweets.

Well, the mother of four-year-old Ayden, Brittaney Benesh, posted a photo of her son with a small cut on his forehead. Young Ayden cut his forehead after diving into the washing basket (which we’ve all done at some point, don’t judge).

Brittaney put up the image with the phrase “It’s okay, mommy can fix this…”

And she did.

Like anyone would.

It’s okay, mommy can fix this…

He’s expecting his letter from Hogwarts any day now.

The image has been shared over 140,000 times, and Brittaney posted one last photo during the aftermath:


Now this is the content that makes the job worth it.

Happy Wednesday folks! Don’t let the week get you down.

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