
Trump can’t Remember 9/11

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21 April 2016

By Alex Khalil

In case you didn’t think the small-handed bigot could get any worse, well…you’d be very wrong.

He decided he wanted to “just talk for a second” about the events of 9/11 and the “greatest people [he] had ever seen in action.”

But he got a little mixed up it would seem.

The full quote reads:

“What I wanna do, is just talk for a second… I wrote this out and it’s very close to my heart and I was down there and I watch our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down. And I saw the greatest people I’ve ever seen in action.”


You read that right. 7/11.

The Twin Towers were attacked on September 11th 2001, which resulted in 3,000 people losing their lives. This is exactly what Trump should have said, but did he correct himself?


Did he keep going?


For goodness sake.

Cue the gif.

eagle trump

You can see the footage here, at the rally in Buffalo New York.


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