
Volunteers to Tackle Speeding

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18 February 2016

By Lauren H

It’s common knowledge that speeding is one of the main factors contributing to road accidents, having caused 3,064 deaths or serious injuries in 2014 alone. Over the past few years, more and more speed cameras have been put into place all over the country with the aim of preventing as many incidents as possible in the future.

In 2011, a scheme was introduced that involved recruiting volunteers from the local community to monitor traffic speed, with the hope of enabling police to identify areas in which enforcement action needs to be introduced. As this was so successful, the scheme was rolled out across multiple areas in 2014, and now police are seeking more volunteers for the Community Speedwatch scheme.

Those who volunteer will receive training and specialist equipment in order to monitor traffic speed, particularly in areas that have been identified by local residents as having issues with speeding. Anyone caught speeding above the limit on the first instance will be sent a letter by police, and if they are not deferred by this and are caught speeding again they will then by visited by an officer.

To find out more information on the scheme, visit and click on the Working For Us section.

Hopefully this will help to reduce speeding and ultimately save lives.

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