
It’s All Kicking Off in Japan

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17 May 2018

By Alex Khalil

A Japanese rail company has apologised after a train left a station 25 seconds earlier than expected. This is the second time in months that this has happened.

The operator said it was a ‘great inconvenience we placed upon our customers’ and ‘was truly inexcusable’. A train last November left 20 seconds early and they apologised in a similar way. As to be expected, social media hopped on the change for a goof.

In the case in November, the rail company, Tsukuba Express, which runs the line between Tokyo and the city of Tsukuba said they ‘sincerely apologise for the inconvenience’.

No passengers were left behind, but the mishap was caused by the conductor mixing up the departure times.

Japan is globally renown for its rail service and punctuality.

Shame we can’t say the same about the Metro. Trying to get anywhere on a Saturday is a nightmare.

You can read all about November’s hiccup here.

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